About Michael E. Parker


As a young child who grew up in Richmond, California, Michael E. Parker faced more than his fair share of challenges. Coming of age in a tough neighborhood without resources is hard, there’s no question about that. Even so, Michael found his way to a fulfilling and fruitful career as an entrepreneur, motivator, and leader. However, Michael is the first to attribute his drive to succeed to the love and support of the adults who encouraged him along the way. These positive influences motivated Michael not only to have big dreams but helped him develop the courage to try and accomplish his goals.

When Michael E. Parker came to a pivotal crossroads just on the brink of adulthood, this network encouraged him to think about what it was that he wanted for himself and his life. Michael decided then and there to commit himself to higher education and building a career.



Michael E Parker Profile


Because many young people growing up in underserved or challenging circumstances don’t have a support system or positive influences, Michael E. Parker allocates his philanthropic efforts to causes that positively impact youth in similar circumstances.

There is more to philanthropy than just money. Michael believes that it’s also about giving your time and energy to help others. Through lectures, speaking engagements and various workshops, Michael aims to inspire a generation through positive thinking. He hopes to foster a school of thought that allows everyone to become their best selves.

I will never forgot where I came from, nor will I forget those that loved me enough to give me a chance to make something of myself by cultivating the right desire and skills to prepare me for a productive future. My own story has become the fuel behind my efforts to giving back to an underserved generation.

Michael E. Parker will never forget where he came from, what he had to overcome or the people who encouraged him to strive for a brighter future. These are the experiences that motivate him to give back to young people in equally challenging situations today.